When you are trying to promote a website to obtain higher search engine rankings or higher volumes of traffic,How Soon Should You Start to Use Link Building Strategies? Articles using tried and tested link building strategies is right up there.
However, there are certain things a web master really needs to put into place first before putting any link building strategies into overdrive.
There are certain seo strategies that are highly important that do not involve the use of any link building tactics, but without them, any investment in link building software or the use of a link building service would be like throwing money down the drain.
What Are These Strategies and Why Are They More Important Than Link Building?
First of all, there is no one link building strategy that is more important than the next, what is important is the order in which you do them!
Search engine optimization strategies are strategies that encompass every method of website promotion.
One strategy, which is designed to help search engines understand what a site is about, is called on-page seo. Good on-page SEO will help a site rank better for the correct keywords and subject matter but if this is not done correctly, or at all, a site could well be dead in the water before it even gets a chance, no matter how many links point to it!
Hence why on-page SEO should be the number one priority for web masters. On-page SEO involves a number of different things, from ensuring your keywords, and related keywords, are included in the URL, Title, Description and ‘H’ tags, to ensuring the site has new and unique content added regularly, at least once every three days seems to be the widely accepted benchmark.
On-page seo is a complete topic on it’s own so covering it in full in this article wouldn’t be doing the topic justice, however, it is still advisable to gather as much information as possible about how to do this highly important task properly.
Once you are an on-page seo expert and have created a website that the search engines will love you for, then it is time to start with some effective link building strategies.
Effective Link Building Strategies
Link building strategies are an important and extremely effective method of helping your website surge up the search engine rankings…but be warned, they do take a considerable amount of time to implement, especially if you intend a fully hands-on approach.
Many people will perform searches looking for the most recent strategies, but there really is no need to do so. Sure, there are new methods for building links that crop up each year but the tried and tested methods are by far the most effective and have stood the test of time.
Here is a list of eight of the most effective ways of building links that have been a staple of website owners for years.
Article Directories: Posting articles to article directories has always been extremely effective in obtaining quality back-links to your site.
Bookmarking: Excellent method of gaining fast, quality back-links to your site and every piece of new content you post on it.
Blog Commenting: Making worthwhile and interesting comments on blogs that allow you to leave a link back to your site in your comment.
Profile links: Many sites require you to sign up in order to become a member, most if not all of these sites provide members with profile pages where they can then leave information about themselves which normally includes links to their websites.
Link exchanges: Although the standard two way link has lost a lot of it’s power now (site A links to site B and, site B links to Site A) three way linking is still quite effective (A to B, B to C, C to A)
Web Directories: Web directories work in theĀ hidden wiki same way as the yellow pages. Simply post your website details (including a link) in the appropriate category. There is always debate about the strength of links from web directories but they ARE still effective.
Press Releases: Highly effective way of not only building links to your site but also increasing traffic, especially if you have written a kicking press release!
RSS Feeds: Submit your RSS feed to as many RSS directories as you can to obtain back-links on autopilot. RSS feeds are dynamic, and each time you post something new on your site, you will get instant back-links.
As I have mentioned, all of these methods do take a long time to implement and see results from but if you require, or want, quicker results then you need to consider one of these two options.
Buying link building software: There are many different pieces of software that will help build links for you. All of this software will turn the 100% manual task of building links into a semi automated task and will therefore speed up the process, although be warned…you will still spend a lot of time making links.
Use a Link Building Service: Link building services will completely free up your time by creating all your links for you so you can then concentrate on developing your website and running your online business. This option is by far the most time efficient and cost effective method of improving your site’s ranking.